Amy Catanzano Starry Sky6.jpg

Contact Information

For inquiries, requests for interviews, or to schedule a poetry reading or talk, contact Amy Catanzano at catanza[at]wfu[dot]edu.

For book-related inquiries, please see below.

For periodic updates on Amy Catanzano’s projects, please join the newsletter.

Books: Review Copies, Rights, Permissions, Distribution

The Imaginary Present: Essays in Quantum Poetics

For review copies, contact:

University of Michigan Press
Danielle Coty-Fattal
Publicity Manager

For rights and permissions, contact:
Copyright Clearance Center (CCC)

World Lines: A Quantum Supercomputer Poem

For review copies, rights, and permissions, contact the author.

World Lines was published as a limited-edition chapbook by the Simons Center for Geometry and Physics at Stony Brook University and distributed to those affiliated with the Simons Center and the author. An electronic version of the chapbook can be viewed here.

Starlight in Two Million: A Neo-Scientific Novella

For review copies, rights, and permissions, contact:

Noemi Press
Sarah Gzemski, Managing Editor

Starlight in Two Million is distributed to libraries, bookstores, and the trade through Small Press Distribution.


For review copies, rights, and permissions, contact:

Fordham University Press
Margaret Noonan, Business Manager

Multiversal is distributed to libraries, bookstores, and the trade through Ingram and Oxford University Press.


For review copies, rights, and permissions, Anne Waldman’s independent press, Erudite Fangs Editions, may be contacted through the author.

iEpiphany is distributed to libraries, bookstores, and the trade through Small Press Distribution.